Unfortunatly we have had another preventable trajatory involving guns that left 3 dead n one more seriously injured,this on top of the current court case with some total phuckwit having shot n killed his baby with a very illegal sawn off shotgun that apparently didnt work. Strangly enuf all the guns involved were obtained illegally,niether had a licence,but truth is thats actually illrelevent,what is rellivent is these two brainless phuckwits not only apparently very easily obtained their guns illegally without a licence,the facts seem to be there are a lot guns floating around out there left behind after licence changes over the years and when owners give up licences, The real facts are that nz police dont follow up after law changes or licence not renewed to see if any guns once legally owned but no longer legally owned have been disposed of legally and properly. There are of course some gun thefts but theft is minor compared to the what will be the huge number of guns that fell through the system due to police not following up when licences are given up and law changes. Yet strange as it may seem our police are blaming everyone else,rather than looking at their own lack of following their own proper proceedure,nz police like many police departments seem believe that more n tougher gun laws will solve a problem thats largly of their own making. Nz police recently went to gov with new set gun laws n got told it largly wasnt going to happen by the gov,so be prepared for lot media crap by police for tougher gun laws coz its coming. Tougher gun laws have never stopped crime,just we all know our tough drug laws work so well eh!!!! So tougher gun laws going to work just as well the drug laws work eh!!NOT a bloody chance,simply because only the law abiding obey any laws in first instance a fact that seems to ellude police n govs all round the world an allways has. My point is that like most people i have no issue with sensible laws that actually work if they make our country safer for all including our hard working cops,but unfortunatly sense dosnt seem to be on table when it comes to some our police n pollys in wellington these days it all comes down to politics and appearing to the public that both parties are doing their bit to keep us all safle from idiots n crims eh!!Crushing boy racers cars is a good recent example,made collins look good on tv,but did nothing else of any value eh!! Any way had my blow out for all the good its guna do. Cheers Mike