I bought myself one of these as I have been getting some paid rabbit work and I need to get the best results I can. The work has been in a cemetery where the shots are rarely under 40 m and often nothing to rest on.
I watched quite a few videos and contemplated a couple of other shooting stick arrangements before purchasing this tripod. I am really pleased with it, and it has really given me a much bigger advantage.
On my first outing I took shots from 14 m out to 124 m with confidence. I can walk with the gun hooked over my shoulder and my hands free for scanning. When I spot something I stop, crouch to set the gun, then aim. The lever loosens the ball mount with one hand to adjust and the other aiming the gun.
This works brilliantly on flat ground. sloping isn't an issue, but hilly or uneven ground means having to adjust the legs, so if you are planning on sitting in one spot on a hill, fantastic, but constant movement over hilly ground is doable, but it takes a little longer to setup.
It is very lightweight, but very strong with carbon fibre legs. Check out my latest video where I used it for the first time.
So my rabbit work had made enough to pay for this, but after using it, I would say it's worth every penny, and it means I do a better job. I would say it increased my count by 25% and made a lot of the shots easier. Link to NightvisionNZ at the bottom. Ken there is a good guy and I'm please to support local by buying through him.
http://nightvision.co.nz/product/sunwayfoto-2830csl-tall-hunting-tripod-with-inverted-ball-head/" rel="nofollow - http://nightvision.co.nz/product/sunwayfoto-2830csl-tall-hunting-tripod-with-inverted-ball-head/
All the specs are in the link.